Maybe some of you still wondering, what is resolution. Resolution is like an act for people to promise ourselves to do some selves improvements. Some people make a resolution too high without look at their reality and it just make the resolution pop up in another year. And some people just don't know how to start to make a list for 2016 resolution. So, now I want you guys to choose what kind of resolution that you might think that you can accomplish.
- Improve health
Good body shape and good skin is everybody dream and there are a lot of ways to do that. Exercise, is one of the easy and green budget that everyone can do. But can we realize that we always postpone to do exercise or we just feel excited in the first then when we loss some kilos we just left and say good bye to exercise. So we need to think, brainstorming, what kind of exercise that we can do for a year. Maybe we can apply to the gym class and ask for instructor so whatever the reason is we always go there because we have a schedule that always catch us. Or we can try for dance or martial arts, because we move and that is a fun exercise for me. Another one, in my back home Indonesia, we have Car Free Day every Sunday, so I like to jogging every Sunday. Maybe you can just do stretching and a simple 30' exercise after or before school/work. Or there is also swimming class that you can take. There are a lot of fun and simple exercise that you might never think before. There are a lot of simple exercise ideas on YouTube, find what kind of exercise that you want to do, download and save it in whatever your device is and try to do it in once a week on the first three months, twice a week on the next three months and three times a week on the last three months! And voila you get better than ever!
- Happier
What is happy means to you? More money without working hard and just chilling? For me yes, it sounds happiness to me. But, I can't say it is impossible but I also can't say it is possible. So, just make it real. It depends on our condition now. Some people have money but not happy and some people are broke but a lot happier than someone who get more money. So where we can find the happiness? Well, we can get it from everywhere. Whatever we get, be thankful, because we already do our best and if you do it right without take another people rights we can be happier than ever. We also can do something for people around us, give charity or help them, maybe it just a little thing that we can do can make them get a better life too and who don't like to see someone happier and heard thank you with the happy smile? Better work on it, dude. Doing one small act of kindness every week.
- Better school or work life
School, work, monday, we all hate those words. We hate it if we lack of it. We hate it if everything is going crazy and feels like you just don't want to do it anymore. But, let see what we can do to make everything better. Getting more organize, at first, we might so excited to be more organize and buy some cool agenda like a busy guy catching a train every minute. But, that's not the point to be more organize. With every book we can do it. As long as we write what we need to do for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will be good. And also make a reminder in your actual calendar and calendar in your phone and everything get more organize then. Make a to do list on the fridge door is also a good idea, because we always open the fridge to get some drink or we just hang out in front of the fridge and do nothing and the reminder will catch you that you still have some stuff to get done. So, get more organize this year and everything will feels so right and good luck!
- Better relationship
Better relationship makes everything feels right, better relationship with family, relatives, friends, co-workers, best friends, your wing man or maybe someone you just know or someone that you don't want to see again. Calling them more often again, you might say that you are too busy for that. But, there is no busy if it's a priority. When their birthday is coming up, try to make a simple thing but still special for them, not only text happy birthday to them but also give them an actual birthday card. It will be so sweet and they will remember that you give them attention about them. Giving out a random compliment each day. It seems gombal, but who knows if it's works for you all relationship. Then the last thing for this new year, don't forget to make some awesome AF memories with people around you and every year you will be a better person than ever!
Happy New Year - Selamat Tahun Baru!
So, what is your 2016 resolutions? Leave the comment and tell me what are they ❤
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