Friday, October 14, 2016

Sensor KPI Membuat Netizen Geram

     Saya pribadi bukan tipe orang yang suka menonton televisi. Tetapi akhir-akhir ini saya melihat kejanggalan yang terjadi di TV Indonesia. Semua berasal dari sensor yang diberikan oleh KPI. Untuk kalian yang belum paham apa itu KPI, KPI adalah Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia. Mereka memberikan regulasi penyiaran yang diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Penyiaran Publik, Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta maupun Lembaga Penyiaran Komunitas.

     Okay pasti kalian semua tahu sensor yang sering kali muncul di film-film luar negeri. Bahkan sampai ada beberapa klip film yang harus dipotong. Tetapi beberapa hal yang seharusya tidak disensor malah disensor. Menurut kalian, apakah kartun harus disensor?

     Contohnya adalah ini, di dalam kartun Doraemon ini Shizuka mengenakan baju renang. Baju renang gaes. Masa iya mau renang harus pakai celana jeans dan jaket? Yang bener aja. Selanjutnya adalah foto ini.

     Kalian tahu Putri Indonesia kan? Para wanita Indonesia dengan kecerdasan dan bakatnya yang harusnya dihargai malah dibuat begini. Apalagi busana yang mereka kenakan adalah pakaian khas Indonesia loh. Kecantikan budaya kita ditutupi dengan sensor yang tidak seharusnya ada. Begitu juga halnya dengan foto selanjutnya.

     Senjata harus disensor lalu apa yang harus orang Indonesia tonton? Kita dituntut untuk mengandai-andai alur cerita dan maksud dari ceritanya saja. Aduhduh. Lalu ini yang menurut saya paling parah.

     Kalian sudah tahu sendiri kan pakaian renang untuk professional bagaimana? Pakaian yang digunakan haruslah nyaman dan sekecil mungkin tidak menghambat pergerakan si perenang. Nah foto di atas adalah seorang atlet cabang renang Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) 2016 Jawa Barat. Justru sensor seperti ini menimbulkan pikiran negatif dan bisa dibilang ini sebagai pelecehan gaes. Apa yang orang pikirkan akan berbeda dengan kenyataan yang ada.

     Setelah saya melakukan penelitian #heak dengana baca-baca berita ini itu pastinya, Banyak loh sinetron Indonesia yang sebenarnya kurang mendidik apalagi untuk kalangan remaja malah dibiarkan begitu saja. Tetapi orang-orang yang sebenarnya berpengaruh malah kurang dihargai. Mengapa sih Indonesia masih menanggap hal tersebut adalah hal yang tabu? Malah menurut saya malah semakin tahun menganggap hal tersebut semakin tabu. Justru kalau semua hal kita anggap tabu tanpa edukasi dini kepada anak-anak dan remaja itu justru yang berbahaya loh. And I'm saying this like for real. Because I'm a teenage girl and I can see it from my own eyes in my stage. 

     Hal-hal yang tidak seharusnya memberikan motivasi kepada masyarakat untuk berkembang lebih baik malah ditutup-tutupi lalu terkesan melecehkan. Jadi saya sangat mengharapkan kesadaran pihak yang bersangkutan untuk merubah kebijakan tersebut. Stigma masyarakat jangan dirubah menjadi pribadi yang kurang cerdas, justru pengedukasian itu penting. Bukannya ditutup-tutupi. Sekian.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Enjoying Yourself

Well, today is Monday. The day when people say it’s a monster day, when they don’t want to start the day, the day when they postpone what they supposed to do, the day when they whine why they are in this world. I open up this day with my family. Where the spring of smile I just came this early morning that I also can say this midnight. I am in Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is the place where nice people live.  I know this is not my home city, my family mostly here. But I do feel like, this is my home, I always like the city view and everything. Even though the malls are not as good as in Surabaya, but I still like the feeling to be here.

My family loves hanging out. And so do I. Since I came back from United States for 10 months went through ups and downs as an exchange student. I think I found who I am. I know that I like to be around people, but I also love to have a lot of me time. And yes I like to hanging out by myself. Doesn’t mean I will say no if someone ask me to hang out somewhere. But, lately I choose to hang out with me, myself and I.

I found a really good place in Yogyakarta. A good place to hanging out with friends and also doing works. Well, now I’m here. I am in Roaster and Bear. It’s a really good place for doing works because I’m alone here. It has a really good design. It is a two stories building and it’s in Jl. P. Mangkubumi No. 52 Gowongan, Jetis, Jogjakarta. I just realize they didn’t pay for this, they should tho. The price is not that pricey because I think in Surabaya it’s a lot more expensive with this kind of café. It has a really big bear in another room and I don’t know why people took a picture with him haha. And also there are some cute spot to take pictures, well I’m not in one of them but maybe I am. But here is a little sneak peek of Roaster and Bear. 

And those are what I did in June 4th 2016. Two days later we are going to say good bye to our holy month, Ramadan. I hope that I can meet you again Ramadan. Minal aidzin wal faidzin people!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Chilling Day with A Stories

Hello readers. Today is May 18th 2016. Today, my day is so chilling. Like literally I almost did nothing in school. Because school almost over and we just do our assignments but I did all of them so mostly I have a free time in school. So our teacher usually told us to be quiet by playing on the phone which is what we always do. So this entire day is full of chilling and internet day with full of thoughts and stories that I really want to share. And also, in this point, I rewrite this entire post because I didn't save it. Darn it.

Starts from my first period. We watched a movie called Stand and Deliver. It's basically talk about AP Calculus teacher in Garfield High School which is a small school. They tell us about the struggles that he tried to do his best for his students. And it's a really good movie with a good value in it. And I'm not gonna spoiler it! But you guys really need to watch it. If they, students from rural area with no phone, then we all with technologies and more sources should be more productive and be wiser with 24 hours that we have. Pain is temporary but GPA is forever.

Then in my second period, mostly we all need to turned it in our assignments and complete some of them. But I finish all of them and I turned it in, so back again with chilling time. So this time I really want to know what happened back home. Okay first of all since I'm an exchange student and some of you might subscribe my blog and I have no idea who you are guys. But I really want to tell you the truth of an exchange student. We, as an exchange student, we ain't get home sick because of seeing the news from back home, eating our homey food or meet someone from back home. Please, please, please, if you say this, please look at yourselves in the mirror, have you ever been in another country for at least a year as an exchange student as a high schoolers with technologies nowadays?

For me I can get homesick, but I never do. I got sad if someone being so mean to me, talk me behind and tell everybody a lies about the things that I didn't do. Then got a bad report about the things that I didn't do? Poor me. That's what make us upset. And maybe home sick. But I don't think so.

Sometimes I might cry for something, I am so melancholic, but then I realized, that those things are not worth to cry, then I cry even harder. So if you are not messing around with us, we are gonna be so okay and we are gonna give you a great respond. me I can get homesick, but I never do. I got sad if someone being so mean to me in here, talk me behind and tell everybody a lies about the things that I didn't do. That's what make us upset. And maybe home sick. So if you are not messing around with us, we are gonna be so okay and we are gonna give you a great respond. And please understand and support us nicely and don't trick us. We can stay for these long because we are not stop loving, we try to do our best even with these sweat and tears. So please. And in this case I might change we to me.

Thank you to Mia as my best exchange student buddy ❤

Okay back to my second period. I checked what happened back home and a lot of things going on in my school. I can't stop proud to my school back home; SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo and my home country; Indonesia. 

I know, in here my school is a lot nicer, bigger and cleaner. Especially I'm in one of the best high school in United States. Dawson High School is really great and I do like it here. But there is something missing. Okay, it's not like missing which one is the best or not for me. But the Student Council back home is super duper awesome. And the students too. We really do everything by ourselves, school give facilities and teacher help us to do those things. What things?

First, my Student Council back home is really awesome. We always have school parties every the end of the semester. And they have their last party for this school year last Saturday, yes we have school on Saturday. And it turned out to be super awesome. Our parties is not like drink and dance, but our parties is more like concert and pop show. And it's super cool not like that boring events. I used to be a part of Student Council. We always have a guest star but these past five years, we can't invite an Indonesian popular band because of the city regulation. But I have no idea how can my juniors do that. I can't lie my juniors are super cool, they did Gelar Semi Smanisda super great and I really appreciate what they all did. They  Here's a peek of their super cool GSS.

Second, I have really awesome fellas that make our dream come true. We, as seniors always get our own yearbook. With our complete full name, address, phone number, email and instagram. Not like in here, all of the grades are in year book and we need to pay for the same price with a really small photo and with those touching stories. But I don't want to pay that little photo with only seniors stories and not me in it. Okay, so my fellas back home, they really spent their sweat and tears for our yearbook. They spent their time in their senior years which is the hardest year ever for us in Indonesia, not like in here senior year can be so chill and they even have a period off which is so cool. This year they want to have something different. They don't want school design their yearbook, they want them design their yearbook. They want to use another company and another photographer. Okay I have no idea am I supposed to write 'they' or 'we' since I'm still counted as a student in their year and I'm in yearbook, also want a change but I wasn't there because of this exchange year. Anyway, the yearbook that they all fighting for it turns out so great even though it's more expensive. But guys, see it's a lot worth it. So this is the yearbook looks like and these people — thank you for working on it!

Last, I don't know about this. Am I supposed to put it in this topic or not. But I don't want to lose this memories. So, I have a best friend. Her name is Calista. And she is really awesome for me and I really don't want her to read this. Because you know, we never talk this sweet. But I do think that she is really cool. She can manage her time to do her work, then she also can get a good grades, she was active in Student Council as a treasurer and now she can make her parents proud of her. She get in the first place as the best student in social class. And she went on the stage. And I really hope she will never ever know I wrote this down.

Best Squad! CHYN
Yanuar - Calista - Nelva
I should be there :')

Bell rang, move to third period. We watched movie and I don't know the name. It's about kind of an old guy who live in an apartment. He always sit near by the window and watched the other people activity what they do daily. He's not like that creepy guy whose gonna haunt them down. I don't really understand the stories because we still have 30 minutes left. But I learned how people cheated, slander and lie about the truth. This is one of my pet peeves, why there are more people on earth lie about the truth and just be okay with that. You cut the trust and leave the burst. That's not cool man.

Skip fourth period because I really have a work to get done. But I got a time to have a little chit chat with my friend. I don't know why they tell me about the gang sign but that's a cool and new thing for me. Oh okay I know why, because I can bend my fingers all the way back and they said "but can you do this?". I thought it was like a tak ada manusia yang terlahir sempurna jokes (which is so uncool). So I don't wanna do that. But then my friends told me it was a gang sign and you can look it up in the Google.

So I didn't skip the fourth period then. Move to my fifth period. I got a text from someone and it says "Hey! You missed your blood drive appointment this morning, you can still come any time until 1 pm". Oh shoot I forgot about that. But I really need to read Into The Wild book. It's a good book that we are reading now and we gotta have a test soon. So I decided to wait until fifth period done.

We are in sixteenth chapter now. Today we listen to the recorder of the speaker for twelfth and thirteenth, we skipped fourteenth and fifteenth, then we read sixteenth out loud. There was a deep meaning. After these whole details that Krakauer gave to us, today it was the most important chapters to understand why. Family is the most possible way to influence our behavior. Found the wound of the family, might gave us a heart attack and a deep pain. But saving it and keep it for ourselves and never want to tell and ask the truth to one of family member? That's not even a choice.

We had tenth minutes left before our teacher let us go out from the class. Drrt drrt... I got a text from unknown number. It says "Hey! You missed your blood drive appointment this morning, you can still come any time until 1 pm". Oh shoot! I forgot that I need to go to the gym to donate my blood. Then I went there and I told them that I didn't eat, so they let me have a lunch first since I'm in C lunch and I'm so starving. And I'm kinda sick that day but I really want to donate so I bought a kind of healthy lunch. Then I went to the gym. And I wait for 10 minutes with my friends to get a health scanner. I told him that my blood type is AB- but I'm not sure because my mother and my father have rhesus positive. So the Indian scanner checked my blood type again and it mine is AB+ and I'm happy about that. So he asked me if I want to donate plasma, so he said it's a different kind of donation. Instead of helping 3 people, I can help 6 people in once. But it takes longer, about 25 minutes. And I really don't mind because it's going to be my first donation and I really want to donate. Then I answered a lot of question about health, sex and travel in their laptop. It's all a yes and no questions. I finished it but i waited for them for so long, then a lady came to me. She checked all of my answers and actually I passed all of those but there is one thing that they don't want to get my blood because I'm from Indonesia. They said we have malaria and they didn't want to take it. But I never have one. So, fine. I can't donate today. But at least I have a result of my health and he said it's good and I have no problem.

Then I went back to my sixth period, five minutes before the period ends. So I told her that I wasn't there because of the donate thing, then she said she didn't mark me as an absence. Aw! Then I went to my seventh period and do my work. Actually it's a group work. I have a partner but she wasn't in school so I finish it by myself. So we are going to present Andrew Carnegie tomorrow. I choose him because we learned about him in US History because his work that help economy in America. He is a Scotish. After moving to the United States, he worked a series of railroad jobs. By 1889 he owned Carnegie Steel Corporation. In 1901 he sold his business and dedicated his time to be a philanthropic and give away her wealth. This is one of my dream, to own my own business that I built from zero to hero. Then become a real philanthropic. Make everybody happy and found the true meaning of life.

Then I walked home as usual and found my host sister was in the car with her friend. They asked me if I want a ride but actually they asked me if I want to eat outside. So I said no because I wanted walk home. But if I knew they asked me out to eat, I would say yes because they went to Mexican Restaurant! Then I'm home and as always have a chit chat with my host mom. She cooked fried rice, I'm full, but I still ate some, haha. Then I did gardening. I'm kind of interested in it but I think I prefer to have garden with roof because I can't stand with sunlight, it hurts my eyes like for real. Help me by tell me why. And I found something cool if we have a garden. It teaches patience and carefully watchfulness, it makes me believe in tomorrow for the best and the other thing is, I'm enjoying see them grow nicely.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Siswa AFS dan YES berbeda kualitas?

Dulu Saya bermimpi untuk menjadi siswa pertukaran pelajar. Sama seperti siswa Indonesia lainnya. Banyak sekali program pertukaran pelajar untuk SMA seperti Sister School di beberapa SMA, Rotary dan AFS - YES. Tetapi Saya sadar, kemampuan Saya tidak sehebat siswa SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo lainnya. Bahkan siswa seluruh Indonesia yang hebat dan berbakat.

Sebelum Saya teruskan, tujuan Saya menulis artikel ini sebenarnya didasari oleh pertanyaan di sosial masa kini anak remaja yaitu ask fm. Banyak yang menanyakan pertanyaan yang kurang baik dan menyakiti beberapa pihak. Banyak yang tiba-tiba membuat kesimpulan anak AFS tidak sebaik anak YES. Tapi hal tersebut salah. Malah banyak sekali siswa Indonesia yang tidak mengikuti program ini atau gagal dalam tes untuk mengikuti program ini, jauh lebih baik dan sukses baik di pendidikan maupun karir. Dan Saya juga mau kasih beberapa info seputar pertukaran pelajar yang mungkin membantu teman-teman untuk menentukan pilihan.

Yang pertama yaitu sister school, setahu Saya sister school itu pertukaran pelajar antara sekolah Indonesia dengan sekolah di luar negeri untuk beberapa minggu. Contohnya tahun kemarin teman Saya dari SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya ke Australia dan sekolah Saya SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo pergi ke Jepang. Meskipun mereka diharuskan membayar sekitar sepuluh juta dan saya tidak tahu itu termasuk apa saja, tidak semua orang dipilih. Jadi misal kalian ambil bahasa jepang di sekolah kalian, belajar sungguh-sungguh dan mungkin saja guru akan menawarkan program tersebut ke kalian.

Lalu Rotary, banyak sekali siswa Indonesia yang mencoba Rotary. Nah program Ini harganya selangit. Saat itu Saya pernah melihat posternya, setiap tahap tes kita diharuskan membayar dan untuk program kita juga pastinya membayar dan itu belum termasuk biaya penerbangan dan uang saku yang juga tak kalah pentingnya. Nah Saya setelah baca-baca biasanya pendaftaran September sampai November. Daftar tahun Ini, berangkat tahun depan. Dan katanya ketika kita sampai di tujuan belum ada pembimbing yang jelas, itu hanya berita simpang siur. Banyak yang sudah mencoba dan selamat sampai tujuan dan rumah kok, jadi jangan khawatir.

Untuk sister school dan rotary Saya tidak berpengalaman dengan program itu, Saya mendapat secuplik gambaran biasanya dari hasil baca dan pengalaman teman-teman. Nah untuk program yang terakhir Ini Saya lebih familiar karena saya sedang menjalaninya sekarang, AFS namanya.

Banyak yang bingung antara AFS sama YES bedanya apa. Nah AFS ini nama organisasi besarnya dan hampir di seluruh dunia. Kalau di Indonesia namanya Bina AntarBudaya, itu seperti anaknya AFS gitu.

Nah biasanya kami bilang program AFS atau YES. Program AFS Ini Partial Scholarship, sedangkan YES Ini Full Scholarship. Partial Scholarship tentunya ada beberapa biaya yang perlu kita bayarkan, menurut pengalaman teman-teman, mereka membayar $10000an untuk tahun ini. Mahal? Memang sih. Tapi 10 bulan kawan. Pengalaman 10 bulan berharga sekali untuk dibandingkan dengan harganya. Katanya sih, kalau kita Isi full pledge, kemungkinan besar kita bisa lebih mudah mendapatkan programnya. Tetapi sekali lagi, program Ini bukan hanya berdasarkan besar uang yang bisa dibayarkan, tetapi kualitas siswa juga. Sedangkan program yang saya jalani ini program YES namanya. Untuk program ini gratis mulai penerbangan dan biaya program. Program ini disponsori oleh Kennedy Lugar Foundation. Setiap 1 bulan kami diberi $125 untuk keperluan sehari-hari. Tapi ada beberapa organisasi yang kasih $250 untuk 2 bulan dan ini nih yang bikin boros di bulan pertama. Kelihatan banyak ya, tapi keperluan kami disini banyak banget lo. Apalagi untuk Saya yang suka banget coba makanan baru, hihi.

AFS bisa mendapatkan penempatan di Asia, Eropa maupun Amerika. Sedangkan YES penempatan hanya di Amerika Karena visi YES yang sedikit berbeda. Program YES diadakan setelah peristiwa 9/11 di Amerika yang membuat orang disini lebih sensitif ketika mendengar ada orang Muslim. Tapi program ini bukan untuk orang beragama Islam saja. Program ini untuk sides yang berasal dari negara bermayoritas Muslim untuk datang me Amerika dan membantu membangun jembatan perdamaian.

Dan sedikit lagi secuplik informasi. Dulu pertama kali Saya mendaftar, ada dua pilihan program yang diberikan. Yaitu AFS dan YES. Dan jujur saja dulu Saya juga berfikir seperti yang teman-teman tanyakan. Saya dulu takut mendaftar program YES karena seperti yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya program YES merupakan Full Scholarship dan penempatan hanya di Amerika. Dulu Saya sangat pesimis dengan kemampuan Saya sehingga Saya memilih AFS. Tapi ternyata setelah beberapa tes Saya jalani saya diundang untuk mengikuti tes YES di Jakarta selama tiga hari dan viola, setelah satu setengah tahun Saya tes tahap 1, Saya diterima sebagai siswa YES dan Saya mendapatkan penempatan di Texas!

Kualitas siswa program AFS dan YES berbeda? Kami semua sama. Kami anak AFS. Sebelum keberangkatan kami semua menjalani hal yang sama yaitu Orientasi. Dan kami semua dibimbing oleh kakak-kakak senior Bina Antarbudaya AFS yang baik-baik dengan perilaku yang sama. Kami dibimbing dari hal terkecil tentang pemakaian beberapa alat mandi sampai hal terpenting tentang cara beradaptasi dan keyakinan. Kami semua sama-sama menjalani susah senangnya program pertukaran pelajar ini dengan warna langit yang berbeda. Baik siswa AFS dan YES sudah banyak yang mencetak prestasi di negeri orang. Jadi sudah dong para anon ask fm tanya yang asik-asik aja ya ❤

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mother's Day Gift Idea For the Last Minute!

Tomorrow is a mother's day in America. On this day, most people pray in churches in honor of mothers, while some give them presents on this day to express their love. Some may have dinner at home with the family.

Some of us might be too busy to prepare a gifts for Mother's Day or we still can't drive but we want to give something but we don't know what to do. So here's what you can do for your Mom!

1. Cards
There are a lot of types of cards that you can buy for Mother's Day. Starts from $.50 - $7 depends on how cute your card is. You can get $.5 - $1 cards in Dollar Tree and actually there are a lot of cute and pretty cards. And then I also found some cards in Kroger $3 - $5 and some of them can sing! And then I also found some cards in Target $5 - $7. You can find a lot of cards in any stores like Walmart or Randall's. So choose any cards that shows who you are and you also can show how's your relationship with your Mother. And then if you are type of person who likes jokes, or like formality, elegance, or anything. Choose what you like and see how much money do you have! 😂

2. Balloons
Buy some balloons, it can be any balloons. You can choose the plain balloons and buy five of them. Or there are some balloons that you can buy in the store starts from $3 - $9 and there are some patterns and Happy Mother's Day-y words

3. Chocolates
Buy a medium or big box of chocolates. It cost like $10 - $35 or it depends what kind of chocolates and if you buy Godiva? Don't expect it will be cheap enough. Make sure your mother likes chocolates and don't make mother's day as an excuse so you can buy a lot of chocolates! 😂

4. Expensive Gifts or DIY?
It's all up to you!

5. Wishes Cards
Give wishes cards to our mother when it's a big day for her is a sweet gifts for her! You can make those cards by yourself. Cut hard paper (size A4) into 8 pieces and then write some things that you want to give to her. Like massage day, cleaning day, free time for mother day or anything you would like to give to her

6. Flowers
Buy five bucks of flowers and surprise her with flowers also a sweet things that you can do!

Anything you give to your mother is always sweet and meaningful to her. Having you is a gift that your mother always wanted. So give by your heart and give her a pride ❤

Friday, April 29, 2016

Paket Soal Prediksi SBMPTN 2016 Lengkap

Halo readers setia!

Terima kasih sudah mampir tiap hari ke blog saya dan readers hampir 30.000! Nah, semenjak saya menjadi siswa pertukaran pelajar, banyak sekali teman-teman yang curhat sekarang lagi kekeuh belajar untuk SBMPTN. Buat yang merasa haus soal, atau mager beli buku soal SBMPTN, mungkin link-link berikut ini bisa membantu. Buat semua senior yang bentar lagi jadi maba, semangat ya belajarnya. Semoga hasil SNMPTNnya memuaskan! Semoga dapet yang terbaik untuk kalian & jangan lupa usaha tidak mengkhianati hasilnya kok. Berikut ini link-link yang teman-teman bisa langsung klik & download. Semoga bermanfaat! ❤️

Pelajaran kelas 10-12

1. Biologi
2. Kimia
3. Fisika
4. Sejarah
5. Geografi
6. Ekonomi
7. Sosiologi
8. Bahasa Indonesia




Detik-detik UN 2016


Klik, untuk soal soal:
  • SBMPTN 2009-2015
  • SIMAK 2009-2015
  • UTUL UGM 2005-2010
  • UM UNDIP 2007-2011
  • UMBPT 2009-2012
  • TPA

Sumber: Banyak ✌

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Not Unmissing Thing

          Here I am. In the drink station that says the place where friends meet. The place where there is a set of living room for squad to sit there. The one like in serial tv show f.r.i.e.n.d.s. A set of living room with no gap, three of four of it surrounded by yellow wall. And there is another set of guest place with three arm chairs for three people. And in the other side there are four dining tables complete with four chairs in each. Right behind my back I have a friend in my classmate with her friends and they talk about their stuff that I can blurry hear. And I am here in the solo table for solo costumer facing the wall with study table and study lamp, complete with place to charge the one that I really need an hour ago. Sitting there and drink my Jasmine milk tea. 

          I found this good place, couple months before I leave this city. Okay basically not only me who found it, I found it with my exchange student buddy when we went here after wandering around. This city have no public transportation where I should go here by biking for thirty minutes or an hour walk but five minutes by car. Neat city with cars only. Well mostly, because I just saw ten motorcycles in this past eight months. Rarely I saw someone went biking or walking so I become the real alien now biking to some places by myself. It's not easy to find the sideway here and I always need maps in nowadays technology call phone. 

          Thirty minutes pass by, I order espresso double shot and I start to play 'Go' by myself and my rules. Because I don't really understand that Chinese Game but it says it's easier than chess then why not? Random thought came by, starts from my future college, what business that I should take and so on. It starts from my friends back home that keep telling me about senior year there. They said it's hard, a lot of stuff to do and duh. And I'm here try not to think about it but I do. I'm still struggling here and then in the couple months I will have an unsolve puzzle that never ever solve because there will be something missing after this year. Awesomely two homes that always be my home and I can't never bring either one of them to my the other home or fulfill my will to have both of them right there together with me. And my espresso done now.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


          Still asking who I am. Someone who type this abc and have no idea what she going to write. Make a list for everything with details and have no idea where and when to begin. Am I a thick paper, thin paper, a cup with half of water, a jar with full of sugar or a bowl with a cover and no one knows whats inside, or maybe I am just a piece of imperfect yin and yang. And currently I just take a new risk, walking in the bridge with blury future. Don't know what's in front of me, don't know when it's all gone, just cross my finger and hope for the best.

          And now I still on the bridge, I don't know am I in the half way to get there or I almost there but still see nothing, neither light nor shadow. The clock is ticking, I can hear that in this deep silent. Every tick push me to pick and whenever my eyes blink, make me stop thinking for a millisecond what is there.

          I keep walking with my bare feet. Feel the cold deep stab through my skin. Try to fight the fear that stab me in my mind by stay together with my soul mind. Try to split without break anything, but still, crack is the thing.

          Coming to a new life make me think to say goodbye for some good things. Have a last dance with good moments, last snap to hangout with friends, last brunch with fellas. No matter how awkward I feel, it's my duty call to color their day. Because if it's not, I will always regret it.

          After those abc thoughts that I didn't tell you the real details, I just realize on a thing. A simple thing about goodbyes. There are so many of them are good things and why didn't I say goodbye on a bad things? I could just say goodbye to all the times I felt lost, to all the times it was a no instead of a yes, to all bruises and scrapes, to all the heartache. Say goodbye to everything that I really want to do for the last time. And never go for the last dance with good times, I will make it as the first dance with the good times in my new life. Because the good thing always waiting for us and help spread everything with spices of love.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Sepi di Keramaian

       Detik ini, detik dimana aku mengetik. Mengetik hal yang ingin aku petik. 

     Sekarang aku sedang berada di kantin sekolah. Tempat yang dimana biasanya diramaikan oleh kawan. Tetapi, untuk detik ini semua berbeda. Karena di detik ini, bukan detik dimana waktunya kawanku berada.

     Sama seperti keberuntungan. Keberuntungan datang di tempat yang ramai. Ramai dalam artian susah untuk dicari, atau bisa saja bersembunyi, atau kita tidak sadar akan keadaannya. Keberuntungan bisa saja tepat di dapan mata, tergantung kita secara pribadi memilih untuk menangkapnya atau tidak. Tergantung keberuntungan juga, apakah Ia memilihmu sebagai pemiliknya atau bukan.

     Sekarang Aku baru saja memilih untuk pindah ke tempat yang baru, di depan sekolah lebih tepatnya. Mungkin saja keberuntungan sudah berpindah tangan, atau mungkin akan datang menjemput tangan.

     Keberuntungan tidak tepat adanya, sering kali diiringi kesempatan dan usaha. Banyak kemungkinan kalau keberuntungan ada di depan Anda sekarang, segera hubungi @VRC4325J untuk mengambil kesempatan sebagai pebisnis pemula yang beruntung. Haha :))

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Guts Kill Cuts

Hey pal, why you don't just beat them or at least scream at them when you get sorrow because of their detto? asdfghjkl.

They who throw the dirt gonna lose their ground. And if they just throw the dirt on me why I should give their dirt back and waste energy as long as I can clean it in laundry machine? But back to the standard of living, that's a choice.

When I was little, I heard a story about calm pearl clam. What human do to make bigger and faster pearl, they hurt calm pearl clam with knife. And once upon a time there were a mama and calm pearl clam junior. Human hurt junior and she began to scream, scream and scream. But mama told her to stop. And the curious junior asked mama, why she can not scream, she want to stand for herself too, said calm pearl clam junior. Mama said, it is good to stand for ourselves, but show it in different way. We all in this world not to scream for something with no ribbon. We all here to prove what we want to scream. As a calm pearl clam, it is okay to cry. It doesn't mean we lose what we want to prove. As the time goes, calm pearl clam junior made a biggest pearl and show how great is she.

Treat the wounds is not as easy as to make cuts. Sometimes even if the wound has healed, but the scar will never disappear. So try not to cuts peoples' heart, if we don't want to lose our self image for them. Change your anger with smile, although it is difficult but there will be a wonderful result, certainly.

Helpless in Seashore

        If I would like to say about my exchange year, it is sucks. Maybe every exchange student's parents only think that we spent money to go to shopping and our friends think that we just went to some parties, our host families think that we just sleeping all day long and our classmates here think that we never do any homework because we are here just for the experiences and what we really do, it just, do everything what everybody thought about us! Hah. Not really actually, I still do my homework.

        I know right it sounds fun. It is fun actually. But sometimes it is sucks. I thought I will just see rainbow and butterfly, no flood or hurricane. But I really enjoy it. This is what we all learn, adjustment to life. That's where happiness come from. Isn't it good to realize that we can beat the rock like the paper do.

        Almost everyday, there is always something new, something that make us learn and sometimes we even can't retell and ask someone to understand us. It feels like I always want to write a letter and throw it in the middle of the sea and let the waves bring the bottle into the seashore and let the people read it but whenever I want to do that many dove's letter come to my window. Whenever I feel sad, dove's letter said surround yourself with love and they always said that I should never give up and tomorrow will be better. And this is what it is. In five minutes everything can be so different from uptown to downtown emotional area. And thank you dove's letter you always make my life brighter.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Try Out Berbagai Universitas di Indonesia [Always Update]

1. Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Universitas Indonesia Playground 2016
Terdiri dari 3 rangkaian kegiatan yaitu:

  • Roadshow
  • Exhibition
  • Try Out Simak UI
  • Diselenggarakan di berbagai SMA Sidoarjo dan diselenggarakan oleh Forum Mahasiswa Delta Universitas Indonesia


Universitas Indonesia akan mengunjungi sekolah-sekolah kalian dan berbagi informasi seputar dunia perkuliahan dan kehidupan pus di Universitas Indonesia.

11 Januari: SMAN 1 Sidoarjo
12 Januari: SMAN 4 Sidoarjo
13 Januari: SMAN 2 Sidoarjo
14 Januari: SMAN 1 Krian
15 Januari: SMAN 3 Sidoarjo
16 Januari: MAN Sidoarjo
18 Januari: SMAN 1 Porong
20 Januari: SMA Antartika Sidoarjo
22 Januari: SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo


Universitas Indonesia akan membuka sesi tanya jawab tentang jurusan, biaya, program kuliah dan berbagai hal lainnya kepada mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia.

Try Out Simak UI:

Siswa kelas 12 dapat menguji kemampuan kalian dalam menghadapi seleksi masuk UI dengan mengikuti Try Out nasional yang mereka selenggarakan.

Tanggal: 24-25 Januari 2016
Diselenggarakan di: MAN Sidoarjo & Nurul Fikri, Jenggolo
Registrasi try out klik

2. Universitas Brawijaya

Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya mengajak siswa kelas 12 untuk mengukur kemampuan dalam menghadapi SBMPTN.


  • Seminar tips dan trik sukses sbmptn
  • Pembahasan soal try out
  • Snack
  • Tour UB
  • Technologies showcase (Robotic dan LTC)
  • Stand Up Comedy
  • Berbagai doorprize menarik
  • Hadiah Utama untuk peraih peringkat 1,2 dan 3

Tanggal: Minggu, 7 Februari 2016
Lokasi: Universitas Brawijaya
Harga: IDR 25.000

CP: 08112990066 (Anastiti) dan 05706789300 (Thufeil)

3. Universitas Gajah Mada

           UGM Wara Wiri dan Try Out Simultan UGM dirancang semirip mungkin dengan SBMPTN, baik dari durasi waktu, sistem penilaian dan bobot soal. Surabaya Gadjah Mada (SGM) akan menghadirkan acara tahunan yang dikhususkan untuk para siswa SMA di Surabaya yang terdiri dari roadshow dan try out SIMULTAN SBMPTN pada tingkat nasional, WARA-WIRI, yang akan diselenggarakan mulai tanggal 11 Januari 2016.

           Try Out SIMULTAN akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 31 Januari 2016 di SMA Khadijah, Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani 4-6. Try Out SIMULTAN adalah TO SBMPTN tingkat nasional yang akan dilangsungkan secara serentak bersama dengan 23 kota di bawah paguyuban daerah lainnya. Fasilitas yang diberikan terdapat snack, pembahasan, dan konsultasi gratis.


  • Snack
  • Expo dan konsultasi
  • Pembahasan
  • Ranking Try Out secara nasional dengan 22 kota penyelenggara lainnya
  • Tanya jawab mengenai UGM di akun line (@nts6607c)


  • IPA: IDR 25.000
  • IPS: IDR 25.000
  • IPC: IDR 30.000

Beasiswa Indonesia Ikatan Dinas dan Bidikmisi 2016

          Halo bagi teman-teman Indonesia banyak sekali beasiswa yang ditawarkan dari berbagai universitas  di Indonesia. Berikut saya rangkum berbagai informasi mengenai beasiswa yang sekiranya bisa teman-teman kelas 12 coba. Dan jangan lupa pula untuk menginfokan kepada saudara-saudara kita yang lain karena membagikan informasi ini dan berlomba secara suportif inshaallah akan mendapatkan berkah, hehe. Dan untuk menuju websitenya langsung klik sesuai akademi/fakultas yang diinginkan. Sebenarnya ada lebih banyak lagi website yang mau saya cantumkan disini, tapi setelah saya cek satu persatu websitenya sudah close.

1. Ikatan Dinas Beasiswa Penuh


          Biaya pendidikan ini bagi mahasiswa berprestasi yang memiliki tingkatan keluarga yang kurang mampu. Tahun ini beasiswa Bidikmisi akan dibukan pendaftarannya secara online seperti yang dilansir dari laman resmi Bidikmisi 2016

          Dengan jadwal pendaftaran Bidikmisi 2016:
  • Pendaftaran Sekolah
15 Januari 2016 - 1 September 2016
  • Pendaftaran Siswa
15 Januari 2016 - 1 September 2016
  • Pendaftaran Bidikmisi PMDK-PN
9 Februari 2016 - 8 Mei 2016
  • Pendaftaran Bidikmisi SNMPTN
10 Februari 2016 - 12 Maret 2016
  • Pendaftaran Bidikmisi SBMPTN
16 Maret 2016 - 3 Juni 2016
  • Pendaftaran Bidikmisi Jalur Mandiri PTN
10 Februari 2016- 1 September 2016
  • Pendaftaran Bidikmisi Jalur Mandiri PTS
10 Februari 2016 - 1 September 2016

Berbagai cara mendaftar bidikmisi:
  1. Melalui SNMPTN
  2. Melalui SBMPTN
  3. Melalui PMDK-PN
  4. Melalui Seleksi Mandiri PTN dan PTN

Essay Their Eyes Were Watching God

I had this assignment to make an essay about Janie and her three husbands. And this is the example for the essay about Their Eyes Were Watching God.

Janie's Wardrobe

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie goes through several marriages in her journey to seek love. As Janie's husbands change, her wardrobe also change. Janie's different marriages are symbolized by her very different wardrobes. Janie's first marriage was to Logan Killicks when she was just a young girl at the age of seventeen. Janie’s wardrobe mainly consisted of aprons and work clothes. Logan was very controlling over Janie, he made her work in the field and cook all day. ‘Most of her time was spent cooking and she almost always wore her apron. That made her feel the apron tied around her waist. She untied it and flung it on a low bush beside the road an walked on , picking flowers and making a bouquet.’ (page 32). Janie threw off her apron while she was leaving Logan, symbolizing how she was no longer under his control and she was now back on her journey for love.
Jody Starks was Janie’s second husband and was even more controlling over Janie than Logan. Janie usually wore very nice designer dresses because Joe was the mayor of Eatonville and felt that the mayor’s wife had to wear the best. The dresses symbolize the control and arrogance of Joe, because he forced Janie to wear things she was not comfortable in just to show off their money. Joe also made Janie wear head rags to cover her hair after an incident in the store. ‘That night he ordered Janie to tie up her hair around the store. That was all. She was there in the store for him to look at, not those others.’ (page 55). The head rags symbolize not only the control of Janie like in her first marriage but it also shows the jealousy Jody has towards his wife and other men.
Once Janie was an older woman in her forties she finally found the love of her life Tea Cakes. Tea Cakes soon became her third husband and has no comparison with the other two marriages. While married to Tea cakes Janie wore whatever she wanted because he was not controlling over her like in either of her other two marriages. Janie usually would wear overalls like Tea Cakes symbolizing how free and not under control she was. “They don’t need to worry about me and my over halls long as Ah still got nine hundred dollars in de bank. Tea Cake got me into wearing ‘em-following behind him” (page 7) Janie did not have to show off her money in clothing while being married to Tea Cakes as she did with Joe. But didn’t wear overalls because she was forced to work like with Logan.
Throughout her multiple marriages Janie’s wardrobe symbolized her marriage. Her first two marriages were very similar they were both very controlling and both wardrobes, although very different symbolized the control. Janie’s last marriage and wardrobe actually symbolized the opposite of the other two marriages being that her clothes represented her freedom instead of her control.

Nelva Kirana Nurafindraningrum.

Biji Pasar Apik

           Online shopping. Siapa sih yang tidak that online shopping?Hampir semua orang tahu apa itu online shopping. Online shopping tempat dimana kita menjual barang nyata kita di dunia maya dan tempat bagi konsumer yang ingin mencari barang tanpa perlu repot-repot keliling toko.

           Di Indonesia, online shopping sangat mudah ditemui, kita bisa ke website online shopping besar maupun bertemu penjual secara maya di akun sosial media.
Website online shopping besar Indonesia punya misalnya,

  • Olx
  • Buka lapak
  • Blibli
  • Zalora
  • dll.
Kita bisa juga mencari alternative lainnya dari lapak-lapak kecil misalnya,

  • Instagram
  • Line
  • Kaskus
           Menurut saya, Indonesia sudah punya benih-benih pasar apik. Indonesia memang sudah menjadi pasar apik sebagai konsumen, tapi kita harus meningkatkan produktifitas kita. Sebagai remaja, banyak sekali remaja Indonesia yang sudah mulai menggalih karirnya sejak dini. Bukan karir menjadi pekerja di toko saja, melainkan membuka bisnisnya sendiri dan secara online.

           Nah, dalam post selanjutnya, kalian yang masih takut untuk berjualan secara online, akan saya post tips & trik berjualan online.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Little Things We Might Forget as Traveler

         There are a lot of reasons to go to another place. It might be just visiting family or relatives, have an invitation or make surprise, a job or school interview or maybe be just have fun and wander around. Sometimes we must to go there with some reasons even though we don't want to, but we have no idea what we should bring with us. Or maybe some of us have already been doing travelling and already have compact stuffs in our packages. But, do a double check might not as hurt as forgot to bring a little thing that might not as important as passport but annoys us because we can't buy them in ordinary store.
Tarimbang Beach, Sumba Timur, NTT

         So, in this post I would like to help you to give a complete vacation items that you might forget. Maybe some of this you don't really need but let's see what are you missing.

  1. Flight Tickets/Confirmation
  2. Passport/Visa/Birth Certificate
  3. Driver's License/International Driver's License
  4. Birth Certificates/Marriage License
  5. Cash/Traveler's Checks
  6. Credit Cards/Debit Cards
  7. Hotel/Accommodation Reservations
  8. Car Rental Reservations
  9. Foreign Currency/Coins for Tolls
  10. Special Event Reservations
  11. Business Cards
  12. Copy of 'this item list' for repacking
  13. Emergency Numbers/Embassy Address
  14. Pre-paid Phone Card
  15. Medical Information/Vaccination Documents
  16. Copies of Prescriptions
  17. Vouchers/Coupons/Tickets
  18. Itinerary
  19. Travel Guides
  20. Maps & Directions
  21. Foreign Language Dictionary/Phrase Book
  22. Journal/Notebook
  23. Pen
  24. Sunscreen
  25. Dry Lotion
  26. Anti-Diarrhea Medication
  27. Antibiotic Ointment
  28. Antacid
  29. Adhesive Bandages
  30. Antihistamine
  31. Insect Repellent
  32. Anti-Itch Cream
  33. Extra Pair of Eyeglasses/Disposable Contacts
  34. Contact Lens Solution
  35. Contact Lens Case
  36. Motion Sickness Remedy
  37. Laxative
  38. Lubricant
  39. Analgesic-Ibuprofen, Aspirin, etc.
  40. Fever Reducer
  41. Wide Spectrum Antibiotic (Some Trips)
  42. Prescription Medications
  43. Vitamins/Herbal Remedies
  44. Cell Phone & Charger
  45. Camera, Charger, Extra Memory/Battery
  46. Video Camera, Charger, Extra Memory/Battery
  47. Smartphone/Laptop/PDA & Charger
  48. Electronic Game/Music Player & Charger
  49. Headphones (Ear Bud/Noise Canceling)
  50. Compact DVD Player & DVDs
  51. Gaming Console & Games
  52. Plug & Voltage Adaptors for Foreign Countries
  53. Other Small Electronics & Chargers
  54. Belts/Suspenders/Ties/Tie Pins
  55. Underwear
  56. Socks
  57. Casual Shirts
  58. T-shirts
  59. Dress Shirts
  60. Dress Shoes
  61. Sandals/Flip flops
  62. Sport Shoes
  63. Hat/Cap/Wide Brim
  64. Pants
  65. Shorts
  66. Pajamas/Robe/Slippers
  67. Sport Jacket
  68. Suit
  69. Swim Trunks
  70. Workout Clothes
  71. Comb/Brush
  72. Deodorant
  73. Lip Balm
  74. Shaving Kit/Shaving Cream
  75. Shampoo/Conditioner/Styling Products
  76. Toothbrush & Toothpaste/Oral Hygiene Products
  77. Bathing Suit & Cover Up
  78. Stuffs to Pray
  79. Jewelry/Accessories
  80. Skirts/Blouse
  81. Jackets
  82. Pareo/Sarong
  83. Sweater/Warm shirt
  84. Wide-Brimmed Hat
  85. Tank/Halter/Sleeveless Tops
  86. Workout Clothes
  87. Comb/Brush
  88. Feminine Protection Products
  89. Razor or other
  90. Make up
  91. Make up remover
  92. Skin care products
  93. Sunglasses
  94. Anti Bacterial Wipes
  95. Hand Sanitizers
  96. First Aid Kit
  97. Instant Glue
  98. Mini Duct Tape
  99. Keys
  100. Luggage Locks
  101. Massage Oil
  102. Re-Sealable Zipper Storage Bags
  103. Garbage Bags
  104. Board Games/Playing Cards
  105. Cotton Swabs
  106. Scented Candle
  107. Ear Plugs
  108. Sports Gear
  109. Umbrella
  110. Reading Material
  111. Tweezers/Nail Clippers
  112. Small Mirror
  113. Small Flashlight
  114. Eyeglass Repair Kit/Lens Cloth
  115. Fabric Glue
  116. Toothpicks
  117. Stain Remover Pen or Wipes
  118. Multi Tool Pocket Knife
  119. Multi Purpose Tool
  120. Blow Dryer
  121. Food Bars or Emergency Snack Food
  122. Arrange For Pet and Plant Care
  123. Stop Routine Deliveries
  124. Set Automatic Times for Several Lights & Radio/TV
  125. Turn Down Thermostat
  126. Empty Refrigerator
  127. Leave Keys & Itinerary With A Friend
  128. Lock Windows, Garage & Doors
  129. Notify Local Police of Your Absence
         Here is the pdf version.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Indonesia Stay Cool

        This week will be a saddest week for this month for Indonesian. Terrorists attack on Thursday January 14th, 2016 in Thamrin, Jakarta, Indonesia. It made us shocked, sad and heart attack. But, we try to be strong and stand for ourselves. There are a lot of differences that made me always love Indonesia because our togetherness. The differences when the bomb attacks between us and another country are:

1. Still Selling His Satay

We have a lot of street food and this is one of them. This satay seller now being famous because he still sell when the bomb attacks 100 meters away from the crime scene.

2. Get Together Rather Than Hide Behind The Wall
I know it is sound stupid, rather than hide and stay away from the bomb, we get together in the street and see what was going on. But maybe this moment represent one of our culture gotong royong. But, hey Indonesian, next time we should be more aware and keep people around you safe like you do.

3. This Gojek Guy is the Daredevil

Abang gojek show how brave he is and care for others. Gojek is an Indonesian courier services that can buy and send us food, packages, bring us somewhere with the motorcycle, drive the household assistant or massagers and a lot more. And I give him two thumbs up because of what he did. And even the Go-Jek driver seems disregard his own safety.

4. Don't Judge Before Know the Fact

Untung Sangaji - Bomb task force police, who previously stay in Walnut Cafe and secured the crossing path of President, had suspected as the bomber. But suddenly he turned out boldly to go to the combat zone and shoot two terrorists who have another 4 bombs to be blown up.

        And only Indonesian that try to support our family with positive words and stand strong against terrorist. Now let me say that we are not afraid #KamiTidakTakut because Indonesia unite #IndonesiaBersatu and for Jakarta, #JakartaKuat!